Teen Celebrities Gossip

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Living in a technological era, we have access to the tabloids more than ever before. There are television sets, magazine covers, Internet blogs, and movies screaming to be read and watched, and they are plastered with images of these tacky celebrities. When a life of parties, short-term

The latest celebrity news for your favorite stars in TV, film and music.

Looking for the latest celeb gossip and entertainment news? Check out WWTDD—What Would Tyler Durden Do—to find out what’s going down with Hollywood celebs.

There’s not much Taylor Swift can do that won’t get her dragged across the internet, but covering Earth, Wind and Fire’s “September” was a breaking point.

Because men think differently. News, photos, videos, all stars, sports, TV and film, gaming, tech, humor, celebs

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From celebrity fashion disasters to exclusive celebrity interviews, here’s where you can get your dose of what’s happening in Hollywood.

Celebrity gossip blog with the latest entertainment news, scandals, fashion, hairstyles, pictures, and videos of your favorite celebrities

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Breaking Celebrities Gone Bad news and gossip including Celebrity News and Entertainment from Australia and Hollywood. Read more Celebrities Gone Bad News and Gossip online at News.com.au

Mar 15, 2018 · Stars may have an army of makeup artists on standby for even the tiniest of touchups, but just like everyone else, they choose to …

Perez Hilton dishes up the juiciest celebrity gossip on all your favorite stars, from Justin Bieber to Kim Kardashian. Are you up-to-date on Hollywood’s latest scandal?!

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